
My teaching philosophy...
I genuinely get excited when I learn something new or when I talk about a topic that I am passionate about. I seek to transmit this enthusiasm and passion to my students who are often quick to pick up on this and respond to it by listening, becoming engaged with the material covered, and contributing to the discussed topics. I am a firm believer that learning is, simply put, fun.
My teaching approach going into the classroom is to create an environment where students can feel excited about the idea of learning. In order to do so, I thrive to make the ideas I am there to teach accessible, exciting, and relatable as much as possible.
Over the years, I have come to realize that the atmosphere and tone set by the instructor have a direct impact on how much students listen, learn, and retain. When students are engaged with the topic and the teacher in the classroom, this makes for a highly fulfilling experience not only for the teacher, but most importantly, for the students.

Given my teaching experience in the Humanities and Media Literacy, I strive to present as many perspectives as I can on a given topic. I believe that exposing students to many different points of view, followed by a critical discussion of these perspectives leads to productive and constructive class time. Ultimately, this allows students to come to their own conclusions through their own critical thinking abilities.
Every student is capable of drawing his or her own conclusions. My job is to nurture, to encourage that ability and assess if the ideas, knowledge, and thoughts are well reasoned and articulated.
My objective in each class is to make the course material lively and to ensure students’ active participation in class. In order to do so, I integrate many news clips, news articles, documentary, and film excerpts to reinforce the theory that I introduce to the students.

Examples of questions that I cover in my courses ...
What do people claim to know about migration, and also about immigrants, refugees, and other types of migrants?
How do people shape their knowledge around issues of migration? On what basis do people form their preconceptions about migration?
How accurate are such opinions, beliefs, and assumptions about migration when compared to the reality that is documented factually?

Other teaching experiences
Course Instructor, Winter 2011
McGill University, Montréal, Québec
COMS 320 “Media and Empire”
Communication Studies Department
Teaching Assistant, Fall 2009
McGill University, Montréal, Québec
COMS 210 “Introduction to Communication Studies”
Dr. Jonathan Sterne, instructor
Teaching Assistant, Fall 2008
McGill University, Montréal, Québec
COMS 320 “Media and Empire”
Dr. Anita Marie Slominska, instructor
Teaching Assistant, Fall 2007
McGill University, Montréal, Québec
COMS 320 “Media and Empire”
Dr. Jenny Burman, instructor
Public speaking
Key note speaker, May 6, 2018
Armenian Relief Society (ARS)
Montreal “Sossé” chapter 60th anniversary
Moderator, March 13, 2018
McGill University
Panel Discussion From Genocide to Statehood: The 900 Days Republic featuring Dr. Richard Hovhannisian, Dr. Vicken Cheterian, Dr. Rubina Peroomian.
Moderator, December 3, 2017
National Symposium “Canadian Stories: Our Shared Experiences Over 150 years” ,“Genocide, Multiculturalism, and Human Rights” Panel on “Canada’s role as a human rights leader” featuring Irwin Cotler (former MP, justice minister, attorney general, Anthony Housefather (MP), and Kyle Mattews (Migs Montreal)
Moderator, October 30, 2016
Canadian Museum for Human Rights
Panel Discussion following screening of documentary “Acts of Conscience” depicting photography and humanitarian efforts of German medic Armin T. Wegner.
“Entre réalités mobiles et immobiles : politique et loisir dans le quotidien des demandeurs d'asile à Montréal”
Congrès de l’ACFAS 2014 – Association Francophone pour le Savoir, Concordia University, May 14, 2014.
"Montréal La Blanche: Refugee Marginalization and Belonging in Theatre"
Canadian Communication Association, Congress 2012, Kitchener-Waterloo, ON, June 1st, 2012.
"Politics and play in refugee claimants’ everyday life"
Invited speaker, Mobilities Research Network, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Jan. 31, 2012.
"City Rhythms: politics and play in refugee claimants' everyday life"
Canadian Association of Cultural Studies (CACS), McGill University, Montreal, QC, Nov. 6 2011.
"Between mobile & immobile realities: refugee claimants in Montreal"
Canadian Communication Association (CCA), Congress 2011, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, June 1st, 2011.
"Refugee “In-betweenness”: A Proactive Existence"
(Un)Routed Identities: Borders, Boundaries, and Betweens, Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, Toronto, ON, April 8 2010.
"Informal Citizens”: Refugee Claimants in Montreal"
Canadian Communication Association (CCA), Congress 2010, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, June 1st, 2010.
“Collective Memory and Articulations of ‘Imagined Homes’: Armenian Community Centres in Montreal”
Centre d’études ethniques des universités montréalaises, 7e colloque du CEETUM pour étudiant(e)s et nouveaux chercheurs, Feb. 24, 2005.